False myths of digitization

Currently, there is a tendency to think that digitizing businesses can mean the reduction of employment, the closure of physical stores and there is even the belief that it is only for large companies. Nothing is further from reality.

Technology is changing everything and, obviously, this affects the activity of each company. It is likely that, due to the lack of knowledge about these changes, mistrust and false beliefs will be generated.

We must strengthen the idea that Digitization helps companies streamline both internal and external processes, so it will contribute to generating a good working environment and satisfying the internal customer (the worker) and will make the external customer feel satisfied with their relationship with our brand.

And this will happen in both large and small companies.

Two of the most widespread beliefs are:

1. The idea that digitizing processes within the company will lead to the destruction of jobs.

2. The perception that modifying the processes to adapt them to a document management system will slow down production and will be a waste of time, in carrying out the daily tasks of each job.

These two ideas, which are taking a long time to eliminate, are not true since, in order to digitize processes and documents, it is necessary and advisable to have experts in the field, both documentary and with extensive technological knowledge. These new positions or management of the system , it is normal that they are external, that is to say, contract them to specialized companies, for which you generate the creation of companies and jobs.

This is one of the reasons why, as we said at the beginning, it is not just things of large companies that can create a new department overnight, but, by being able to hire it externally, it does not mean increasing your staff or major changes in your structure, but yes, in the long run, you are full of benefits (and we are not just talking about the economic ones)

In this sense, these changes also contribute to the interdepartmental relationship, since they must be coordinated for the change, seek the best solutions for all and facilitate the work for each one of them and between them.

Such a transformation affects the entire company and also contributes to everyone seeing the same objective and knowing all the internal operations, as well as visualizing the importance of coordination, since all jobs affect others. See it as a whole, not with individualisms.